Google Classroom

What is it?

A blended learning platform that integrates Google Suite to allow teachers to assign and collect work from students.

Classroom creates a paperless environment and saves time providing a way for teachers and students to easily communicate and stay organized.

Parents can get email summaries about the work going on in Google Classroom.

Click here for a one page overview Click here for short video overview

How do I join and Find a google classroom?

Go to or use the app launcher and choose the classroom icon.

Click the + button and choose Join. Then type in the code the teacher shared with the student.

Click below for some interactive tutorials

What are the key Features?

Click below for some interactive tutorials

  • Navigate the Stream and Classwork Tab

  • Types of Classwork Tab posts from teacher

    • Questions - Click on the post, view question and answer the question

    • Material - Click view the post to see directions and handouts

    • Assignments - Click View the assignment, these are posts that require a student to open a template to complete or attach an assignment and click the TURN IN button.