academics & leadership


Williams College

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Philosophy

September 2018 – June 2022

University of California, Berkeley

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

Beginning August 2022

Research Opportunities


Answering open questions in tropical geometry and chip-firing games; advised by Dr. Ralph Morrison

Winter 2020-21 Extracurricular Research Project

Classifying non-edge-to-edge tilings of the 2-sphere; advised by Dr. Colin Adams

Spring 2021 Independent Study

Studying and conducting research in a new approach to singular cohomology with Dr. John Wiltshire-Gordon

Summer 2021 Research Grant

Exploring tilings of the double branched cover of the 2-sphere with two branch points and classifying star polyhedra; advised by Dr. Colin Adams

Senior Honors Thesis

On the discrete geometric properties of symbolic sequences; advised by Dr. Cesar Silva; earned Highest Honors from the Williams College Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Leadership Positions

Williams College Student Mathematics and Statistics Advisory Board

President of the board (2021-22 academic year)

AWM student chapter representative (2020-21 academic year)

Department of Mathematics & Statistics Student Mentor

Mentor to four underclass students (2021-22 academic year)

Association for Women in Mathematics

President of the Williams student chapter (Fall 2020 – Spring 2022)

See what they're doing to promote community, diversity, and equity in STEM at Williams.

Williams College Teaching Assistant

MATH 321 – Knot Theory (Spring 2022)

MATH 303 – Dynamics, p-Adics, & Measure (Fall 2021)

MATH 474 – Tropical Geometry (Spring 2021)

MATH 250 – Linear Algebra (Spring 2020, Fall 2020)