Grace Taylor Rae Bundy '13

Grace Taylor Rae Bundy '13

“My journey to Williams was life-altering, and a blessing beyond anything I once imagined. My undergraduate experience is much clearer as a “chapter” in my life’s narrative, now that I am part of the alumni community.

Ten years ago I started my first semester at Williams College. If I could give my first-year self some useful advice, I suggest that she let this place call her to what feels most joyful, even if it is unexpected. You belong here.

Williams is where I was encouraged to cultivate my curiosity, where I began to understand myself as part of something larger than my perceptions, and where I recognized empathy as an essential currency for conscious, generative learning.

My time at Williams has exponentially enabled personal, educational and spiritual growth; I am honored to contribute toward what allows current and future students to thrive.

I am learning to walk with confidence in building the world I want to live in. Now more than ever I am living liberal arts, by exploring the intersections of my own life – within narrative and dance, philosophy and design, distance running and doula study. As above, so below – what we pay forward we may see again, in that timeless boomerang kind of way. I give money, but with it thoughtfulness, honesty, intention and critique.”