Impacts of
Alumni Fund Gifts

All gifts help make Williams a better place and have a true impact on the lives of students and the campus community -- especially this year.
Here are some examples.

Note: the photos below span the past three years and some pre-date the Covid-19 pandemic and public health policies that require masks and social distancing

A $10 gift supports...

Financial Aid: a course reading packet

Sustainability: 1 Box of compostable bags

Equity & Inclusion: a copy of a Williams Reads book

Athletics: the approximate cost of resistance band for sports performance

A $25 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the cost of Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates for AMST 300 with Prof. Anthony Y. Kim

Sustainability: 2 T-shirts for Root First Days programming

Equity & Inclusion: the approximate cost per student to attend a racial justice How'd You Get There event through the '68 Center for Career Exploration

Athletics: the approximate cost of yoga mat for a PE class

A $50 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the approximate cost of an application fee waiver

Sustainability: 3 Reusable Mugs

Equity & Inclusion: the cost for two staff members to attend an anti-bias training

Athletics: a tennis racket for a PE class

A $100 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the cost of senior week for a student that used to be paid out of pocket

Student Emergency Aid: the cost to lease a single microfridge for a single year

Equity & Inclusion: the cost of copies of Blindspot for a department's professional development

Athletics: the cost of two frisbee golf holes

A $250 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the cost of Manual of Mineral Science for GEOS 202 - Mineralogy with Prof. Bud Wobus

Sustainability: 1 Semester-long regional student transportation pass

Equity & Inclusion: one session with a therapist at Integrative Wellbeing Services

Athletics: the approximate cost for 10 yoga mats for PE classes

A $500 gift supports...

Financial Aid: a full semester's textbooks for one student, on average

Student Emergency Aid: airport transportation for five students

Equity & Inclusion: one week of a racial justice WSP internship

Athletics: the approximate cost of all resistance bands for sports performance

A $1,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the cost of music lessons for four years

Equity & Inclusion: winter gear for students

Athletics: a Vasa swim erg to allow swimmers dry land stroke practice

A $2,500 gift supports...

Financial Aid: the cost of emergency dental care for an aided student

Equity & Inclusion: racial justice How'd You Get There series with the '68 Center

A $5,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: on average, books for the aided students in one first year entry for one semester

Sustainability: 1 Small electric mower tractor

Equity & Inclusion: one TIDE grant through the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Athletics: the approximate cost, storage containers + insurance

A $10,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: summer storage for aided students

Sustainability: 1 EV charging station

Equity & Inclusion: the racial justice + social impact venture project

Athletics: the approximate cost of track & field team needs to continue training

A $25,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: sponsoring a Williams student for one year as an EphScholar donor

Equity & Inclusion: two racial justice public humanities fellows for one summer

A $50,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: a typical package for a single student receiving financial aid

Equity & Inclusion: racial justice summer opportunity grants

A $100,000 gift supports...

Financial Aid: a typical all-in subsidy for an aided student, including all-student subsidy

Equity & Inclusion: 1/3 of the cost for proposed racial justice internships and fellowships