Willard walks, walked!

A dedicated group of intrepid wildcats walked around the Rose Bowl on a picture-perfect Southern California morning. Much fun was had by all who attended.

Thanks for a great Fall Fest event!

Many thanks to our parent and student volunteers, vendors, and tireless teachers, administrators, and staff who worked hours after their regular school day to make the Fall Fest a fun, safe night for everyone. Early polling results are in: our wildcats gave it two enthusiastic thumbs up!

Welcome Back to School 2022-2023!

Dear Wildcats,

Welcome to a new year of school, and a new year of PTA!

Whether you are a new PTA member or a returning member, thank you for your contributions, time and commitment to our organization, our teachers, and most importantly, our students. As a member of the Willard PTA, you are a voice for our students and part of the largest child advocacy program in the world!

I encourage you to become a part of our team. By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education. By getting involved, you lend your talents for positive change.

PTA provides opportunities all year to meet other parents and teachers, and also creates forums for exchanging ideas.

We can also use your support with fundraising. We are proud of the rigorous teaching and learning that occurs at our school, as well as the diverse ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds of our families. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Willard PTA is always looking for ways to help close the gap in the school’s public funding, to help keep our school a diverse, educational experience.

I hope you will consider supporting the enrichment of kids who live right here in your community through Willard PTA.

Thank you, and let's have a great year!

Summer is just around the corner!

Hard to believe this school year is almost over! It has been bittersweet, but things are really looking up. California is in the Yellow Tier, and the economy will soon be fully reopened.

We have accomplished a lot as a PTA this year. One of our greatest accomplishments was providing a Willard mask to every student, teacher and staff member. Felt like one of the best things we could do during a pandemic!

As we prepare for this year's board to pass the baton to next year's board, we have just a bit more PTA business to attend to.

Please join us at the next PTA General Meeting

Thursday, May 27 | 6:30 p.m. Zoom link will be shared in the S'more.

We need to:

Also, here is the slate that was approved at the last association meeting. Please join me in congratulating and thanking these parent leaders who are stepping up to the plate for next school year!!

President: Marcus Hatcher

Treasurer: James Fujii

Secretary: Joan Stevens

Programs: Ariel Loop + Tara Mastro

Membership: Jen Duerksen

Parliamentarian: Patricia DeWitt

Reflections: Jessica Ewing (volunteered for next year, and needs to be confirmed at the next meeting)

Advocacy: Veronica Brotons

Health + Safety: Shayna Henry

Beautification: Chris Loop

Auditor: Helen Hinton

Teacher Rep: Mrs. Covarrubias

Hospitality: Jean Arteaga

We are still actively looking for a Fundraising Chair and a Room Rep Chair! Please reach out if you are interested in one of these volunteer opportunities. We will show you the ropes; no experience required.

Thanks so much for your support this year.

Jen Duerksen, PTA President

This year, PTA sponsored a Willard mask for every student, teacher and staff member.

It's Election Time!

Happy Spring, Wildcats!

Hope you had a lovely and restful spring break. Spring means it's time to vote in our PTA Board for next school year. Hard to believe this school year is almost over!

Please join us at the next PTA General Meeting, Wednesday, April 28 | 6:30 p.m. Zoom link will be shared in the S'more.

Here is the slate we will vote on, approved by the Executive PTA Board. We are still actively looking for a Treasurer, Fundraising and Reflections Chairs! Please reach out if you are interested in one of these volunteer opportunities. We will show you the ropes; no experience required.

President: Marcus Hatcher

Treasurer: Vacant

Secretary: Joan Stevens

Fundraising (Ways and Means): Vacant

Programs: Ariel Loop + Tara Mastro

Membership: Jen Duerksen

Parliamentarian: Patricia DeWitt

Reflections: Vacant

Advocacy: Veronica Brotons

Room Rep: Genevieve Sharrow

Health + Safety: Shayna Henry

Beautification: Chris Loop

Auditor: Helen Hinton

Teacher Rep: Mrs. Covarrubias TBD

Social Media / Marketing: James Fujii

Hospitality: Jean Arteaga

Meanwhile, thank you for your ongoing support of Willard, including, but not limited to, all the donations, Restaurant Nights, PTA Meetings and classroom / teacher support are appreciated!

Jen Duerksen, PTA President

Santa Reads to willard!

It is important to keep our Willard traditions alive!

While Santa won't be able to visit Willard this year in person, he did want to make sure our students got the full virtual experience!

Please enjoy this video made just for Willard.

This year's Read-a-Thon was a huge success!

Congrats Wildcats for raising $16,698! That's more than double the original goal of $8000. These funds directly support our classrooms and important programs for our school. Here are this year's prize winners:

Top Fundraising Class: Mrs. Grabis (2nd Grade)

Top Fundraisers: Clayton S. and Max T.

Top Reading Class (Tk - 2nd): Mrs. Grabis (2nd Grade)

Top Reading Class (3rd - 5th): Mrs. Yee (3rd Grade)

Top Readers: Jasper R. (TK), Alana C. (K), Griffin V. (1st), Aedan C. (2nd), Luke V. (3rd), Ella D. (4th), and Abby V. and Melina V. who tied for 5th grade.

Winner of the $50 drawing is: Kayla N.

Winners of the $20 Gift Card in each grade are: Jasper R. (TK), Isaac R. (K), Logan V. (1st), Emarie M. (2nd), Felipe C. (3rd), James J. (4th) and Abby V. (5th)

Winners will be contacted to arrange distribution of prizes.

Many thanks to our PTA Board and Read-a-thon Committee members, Zulema Revilla, Beth Tubman and Tara Mastro. Thank you also to Matt Duerksen who designed all the materials. Keep reading Wildcats!

Jen Duerksen, PTA President

Read-a-thon, Refections Arts Contest and Restaurant Night!

PTA has been a little quiet this fall. In pre-COVID times, we would be in the throes of planning events and programs like Fall Festival, Movie Night, Read-a-thon, Reflections and Restaurant Nights! I got a little winded just typing that out!

During COVID times, our fall obviously looks a little different! The pace is slower, and restrictions keeping us safe also keep us from gathering as a community. Everyone is dealing with a lot right now, and there is A LOT happening through screens. It can feel really hard to disconnect, for both parents and students alike. It feels wonderful that two of our fall programs not only give us the chance to engage with the community, but it also gives students a chance to step away from the screens.

Read-a-thon, our annual fundraiser, is kicking off Oct 19 and ends Oct 23. During this week, students will challenge themselves to read, perhaps more than they normally would! Reflections, PTA's annual arts competition, is right on the heels of that, with entries due by October 26. Click the hyperlinks to learn more about each program.

Restaurant nights are coming back as well. On November 4, Willard families can order Chipotle online or via their website or the Chipotle app, using code 3987KVZ. This code gives the school 33% back on all sales! CLICK HERE for the flier.

Thank you for everything you do to support the Willard community. Hope this note finds you healthy and safe.

Jen Duerksen, PTA President

And we're back!

How were your first few days back?

If they were anything like mine, there might have been some frustration, WebEx malfunctions, and waiting in a LONG, sweaty line to get books.

But, much of that frustration has been washed away seeing the kids BACK TO SCHOOL. There is a renewed sense of purpose every day. There is a reason to comb our hair and change out of our pajamas! There is also the joy of being reconnected with familiar faces after what felt like the longest summer break ever.

I am reminded what it means to belong to a community. And, I'm reminded how special this one is. We kicked off the month with an instagram campaign...sharing some fun welcome videos from Dr. Baxter, the teachers, staff and a couple parents. CHECK THEM OUT HERE!

For those of you who are new ...WELCOME!!! And for those returning, WELCOME BACK!!! Looking forward to navigating these next few months in solidarity with you!

Thank you!

Jen Duerksen, PTA President

Please join us for our first association meeting of the year on Thursday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Click here to join:

Meeting ID: 826 2812 8562 (no password)

Our primary objective is:

  • Confirm PTA budget and programs for the first half of the school year (through December 2020)

All are welcome, but only registered members may vote.

Dear Wildcats,

I hope you are enjoying the start of your summer!

While it might not look exactly as I personally have imagined, I remain hopeful about what's to come. We have the opportunity to start anew, with new perpective, newly gained experience...and quite possibly, nowhere to go but up!

And, I would be remiss if I did not address the conversation that is happening very loudly, and very clearly in our nation right now. As a community, and as an organization (California PTA and Willard PTA), we denounce racial injustice, violence and the recurring brutal mistreatment of the black community.

As leaders and members of the community, we must find ongoing and tangible ways to eliminate implicit bias, racism and inequities and build a community that provides safety, opportunity, and a nurturing environment for all children and families.

The school year ended quite abruptly, and we don't quite know what the future holds, but we still hold the ability to come together (from a safe social distance!) and stay engaged in creating meaningful solutions.

Finally, our last association meeting will be on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

Click here to join:

Our primary objectives are:

  • Confirm final board slate with the association.

  • Confirm final spending plan with association. The executive board is proposing the remaining funds will roll over to Willard Annual Fund, as it has in the past. The plan is to keep a starting balance of $5,000 for PTA operational expenses next school year.

  • All are welcome, but only registered members may vote.

Thank you!

Jen Duerksen, PTA President