Research Connections

A celebration of work by affiliates of Carleton College's Summer Mathematics Program

Welcome to the website for Research Connections*, a volume of math success stories from the Carleton Summer Mathematics Program! We are currently accepting articles for possible inclusion in the volume. Please see the Call for Submissions for more information.


The goals of this volume are to provide accessible introductions to various topics in mathematics and statistics, introduce readers to a wide spectrum of career paths, and honor the work of the Summer Mathematics Program (SMP) directors by showcasing the accomplishments of SMP community members.


Please fill out a Statement of Interest: by October 15, 2017

Article submissions are due March 15, 2018


Abra Brisbin (SMP TA '04)

Karen Lange (SMP '99)

Erin McNicholas (SMP '95)

Emilie Purvine (SMP '03)

*Current working title. We are happy to crowd source the volume title, so if you have a great suggestion, please email it to us!