Wayfinder Program

Welcome to the Wayfinder Program!

The Wayfinder Program is Wild Whatcom's all gender teen mentorship program and is available to young adults in high school. In the Wayfinder Program, participants forge and strengthen their confidence in themselves, their intrapersonal skills, and deepen their connections with the natural world. Each year’s season has a different earth-skills focus that invites Wayfinders to learn about themselves through that skill. As participants learn about our wild spaces, our area’s natural and human history, and skills to be comfortable in the outdoors, they will also learn about what it means to be authentic, engaged, and compassionate stewards and community members.

The Wayfinder Program’s 2020-2021 season theme is Nature Connection Through Tracking. Over the course of the season, Wayfinders will practice the art of getting to know yourself and the world, both with guidance and on one’s own, while simultaneously working on technical tracking skills. As Wayfinders ramble through forests and along beaches, they will learn tools to connect with wildlife while reflecting on how to track who they are becoming in the world as they wander through the transitions of adolescence. Our outings will consist of nature explorations, skills practice, games, reflection, and community-building.

Participants of the Wayfinder Program will maintain Wild Whatcom’s core values:

Exploring, Serving, and Connecting

We hope the Wayfinder experience is richly rewarding, sometimes challenging, and always fun. We look forward to helping facilitate the experience of participants not only in finding their way on the trails, but finding their way into adulthood and their most authentic selves.


Stormie Romero | Explorers Club and Wayfinder Program Manager | explorersclub@wildwhatcom.org