
On this page you will find links and contact information for all of the schools in the Adirondack Youth Climate Program and other connections to be made to further your climate action needs and propel you into a greener more sustainable future.

School G-mails

All of the schools that attend the Adirondack Youth Climate Summit are given a Wild Center Google account. This account is a tool which allows environmental clubs to store all documents, contacts, and project success in a location that is accessible to all present and future club members to increase the longevity of their club.

School Google Accounts

Organizations and Partners

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
  • New York State Office of Climate Change
  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
  • Climate Reality
  • Green Schools Alliance
  • Project Green Schools
  • Eco Schools
  • Climate Smart Communities
  • Clean Energy Communities
  • Project Drawdown
  • Solutions Project