Skill Expectations
Skills Recommendations
A student who is considering enrolling in Welding program at the Wilco Area Career Center should have:
-A high degree of hand eye coordination & fine-motor ability, capable of performing tasks down to 3/32". In this class we are manipulating fire and electricity into fine shapes and patterns, in a very dynamic and challenging environment (with loud constant noises) and requiring an extreme degree of focus. All classroom lectures will have students taking paper notes to use on certain tests. Precision, motor controls, dexterity, and organizational skills are required in this field.
Physical Requirements
Lifting, squatting, kneeling, bending carrying weights up to & including 35-55lbs, and standing for prolonged periods of time are all common job requirements in the Welding Industry and the Commercial Industrial Work Standard for Physical Safety is part of Career Orientation. Students will routinely perform physical tasks requiring the ones mentioned above, and Physical Training is a component of the Workplace Safety Practices used to work up to meeting this requirement.
Knowledge and Skills in these Academic areas:
-add, subtract, multiply, & divide positive and negative numbers, fractions, and decimals
-knowledge of rules of geometry
-calculate averages, ratios, proportions and rates
-read and comprehend at technical level
-can determine cause and effect relationships
-understand multiple step instructions
-decode words
Skills and Abilities in:
Reasoning and Problem Solving
-follow guidelines to arrange objects or actions in a certain order
-notice when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong
-find and recognize important information
-formulate solutions for potential problems
-judge costs and benefits of a possible action
Managing Oneself, People, Time, and Things
check online for their own info in google classroom, gmail, and Infinte Campus. Students must track their own progress.
(Parents/conselors) can be given access to all these to keep track of student's progress.
- be able to stay on task, on assignment, and not leaving any of the classroom, or designated work areas.
- go back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information without becoming confused
- obtain needed equipment and materials and oversee their use
- Clean & maintain work areas, projects and equipment.
- students are to manage to come dressed for class, have all needed PPE, and always have their notebooks.
- students are responsible for bringin their gear and notebook to and from class, there are NO lockers for ANY first year students.
(anything lost Must be Replaced ASAP)
-Taking the initiative to do work , there is no standing or leaning.
Working with People
-be able to work as a team member
-be able to take direction and criticism
Working with Machines and Equipment
-evaluate quality or performance
-safely operate equipment
-determine the tools and equipment needed to do a job
-determine the causes of technical problems and find solutions for them
-maintain and repair equipment
-assess alternative methods of completing a task
Perceiving and Visualizing
- Ability to utilize spatial relations
- Imagine how something will look if its manipulated