Sweet Briar

I did not participate in Saving Sweet Briar because it occurred years before I became active in save college movements. I am listing it here because it has been an inspiration and one of the models I keep in mind. During Hampshire's crisis, my friend Joan Wattman mentioned that she was Facebook friends with Lili Leonard who wrote her dissertation on the Saving of Sweet Briar. I suggested that we invite Lili to speak. Joan and I worked with Hampshire's AAUP to bring Dr. Leonard to speak at Hampshire to multiple groups. Here is a link to her talk.

It was inspiring. Later Prof. Gottlieb from Sweet Briar presented his analysis. I have been in touch with others from Saving Sweet Briar and created the Facebook group Amherst to Amherst to foster further connection (Sweet Briar is in Amherst County, VA and Hampshire is in Amherst, MA).