Who We Are
Hamp Rise Up is a coalition of Hampshire College students who had been sitting in at the Office of the President (located on the first floor of the Cole Science Center) since Jan.31, making it the longest sit-in in the College's history. The sit-ended lasted for 75 days and ended April 15 with a handover to the Interim President, Ken Rosenthal, on April 17. A major change in leadership and direction of the college began April 5 with the resignation of the Former President, agreement of the BOT to fundraiser towards the goal of remaining independent, and other resignations. Hamp Rise Up played a crucial role in enabling these changes. Thank you to all who have supported Hamp Rise Up so far. The pursuit of equity, inclusion, and transparency continues.
See our "DEMANDS" page to learn about our demands in detail and for an overview of events see "TIMELINE".
FOLLOW us on social media!
www.facebook.com/hamp.rise.up (Hampshire College Rise Up 2019)
www.instagram.com/hamp.rise.up (@hamp.rise.up)
www.twitter.com/hamp_up (@hamp_up)
Our handy flipbook!
Additional background at the website of the Hampshire College Faculty AAUP.
Here is a link to an alum perspective from Jonathon Podolsky. Here you can read more of his writings on liberal arts colleges in transition.
Abbreviated demands:
The dissolution of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
2 student trustees to be elected to the Hampshire College Board of Trustees (filling the two seats that are currently vacant)
Decision-making that directly involves the student body.
WE DEMAND that our school's long-term partner maintain Hampshire's values...
The James Baldwin Scholars Program
The Cultural Center
The support of disabled/neurodivergent students
The support of Students of Under-Represented Cultures and Ethnicities (SOURCE) and First Generation students
How you can help:
1) Visit the students at the sit-in at Cole Science Center. If you are coming in large number, please contact them ahead of time. We do warn people that there may be a chance that non-students coming in could be considered as trespassing. The administration hasn't called the police as of yet.
2) Contact the students through their Facebook or Instagram and offer to help.
3) Forward this website address to others who might be interested.
4) Put up flyers (we will send them to you).
5) Fill out the form below.