Summer Reading: Purpose and Instruction

As students transition into the rigor of the AP program, they will engage in increasingly complex analysis of author's craft in a variety of higher level texts. In order to keep students progressing with reading comprehension and to provide a base text for use throughout the year, we ask students to select a work of fiction that is challenging, yet enjoyable. We want them to do more than just skim this selection: we want them to delve into it and think about the characters, the lessons that can be learned, and the ways they as readers connect with the story itself. We want them to look at the way the author chooses his words, his sentence structures, and his story frames. We want them to love it.

It may take reading more than one book to find the book. That's okay.

But find it. Read it. Mark it. Journal the thoughts you want to remember. Doodle your imagination's wanderings. Make it yours.

We look forward to learning what you discover.

~your teachers