The student assessment system of Whitehall High School is designed to provide an equitable and consistent measure of student achievement and progress. The primary objective of grades communicated through the reporting system is to provide notification of student achievement and progress. It is believed the grading system should reflect a student’s achievement as measured by various assessments, effort, homework, and participation. Moreover, a system of grading is valued by the school community and serves as a means of motivation and recognition of student achievement.
The final exam/assessment* is 10% of the final course grade. The quarter grades are averaged together with the final exam/assessment grade to determine the final grade. Grades are given in percentages, however, only the letter grade will be reported on the report card. The lowest grade a student may receive for the first marking period of each class is 50%. For the remaining three marking periods, a student will receive the grade percentage that he or she earns. Teachers and administrators reserve the right to monitor student grade percentages per quarter as well as the final grade.
*Final exams/assessments will be given at the end of each course in all subjects at Whitehall High School. Final exams/assessments will test the most important learning objectives of the entire course and emphasize critical thinking skills. Students enrolled in a course that is aligned with a Keystone Exam will not be required to take a final exam/assessment. The final exam/assessment grade is not averaged into the fourth marking period. The final exam/assessment is equal to ten percent of the final course grade. Any student, grade 9-12, who earns a minimum grade of an A- for all marking periods (four for a full-year course and two for a semester course) will not be required to take the final exam in that course. Final grades for courses that do not have a final exam will be determined by averaging the quarter grades together.
Report cards will be issued electronically four times per year via SwiftReach SwiftK12 notification system. At the mid-point of each quarter, students who have a grade of C- or less will be issued progress reports via SwiftReach SwiftK12 notification system. Parents should regularly review grades, comments, and attendance with their child.
An After-School Tutoring Program will be available for students who are struggling academically in core subjects, health, and/or a world language. In addition, the Whitehall High School Library is available after school to any student who needs a quiet place to study, do homework, or access technology.
The PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal is a web-based resource that facilitates communication between the school and the home or student. Students and their parents/guardians will be able to obtain vital information quickly and accurately simply by logging on to PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal from home, school, work, or any computer linked to the Internet. Parents will have access to grades and future assignments enabling you to assist your student achieve his/her potential and communicate with the school. In addition, students will be able to monitor their own academic progress. The PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal link can be found on the district and high school websites, User id and password information is mailed home early in the school year. Additional information can be obtained through the Whitehall High School Main Office.
Students receive letter grades for each class. Honors and AP courses are weighted.
Exceptions to the alpha system are as follows:
I Incomplete – work must be made up within two weeks after the end of the marking period
M Medical Excuse
W Withdrawn
WP Withdrawn Passing
WF Withdrawn Failing
NG Audit
The exceptions to the alpha system are not calculated in a student’s Grade Point Average (G.P.A.).
Students are reminded that an Incomplete reverts to a failing grade if work is not completed and returned within two weeks after the end of the marking period.
The high honor roll and honor roll recognize student academic achievement. Students will qualify for the high honor roll or honor roll with the G.P.A. as follows:
High Honor Roll – 4.00 or better and no grade lower than an A-.
Honor Roll - 3.00 to 3.99 and no grade lower than a B-.
The Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) is a system for calculating a student’s scholastic average on a 0 to 4 scale and is used to determine class rank. The calculations are performed in the following manner: Each course has an assigned Credit Value. For example, Health 1 has a Credit Value of 0.5 and English 9 has a Credit Value of 1.0.
At the end of the course, the final average is calculated and a grade is assigned. For example, a full year course earning a 1.0 Credit Value will have a Credit Value of 1.0 times the final grade. A semester course earning a 0.5 Credit Value will have a Credit Value of 0.5 times the final grade.
All final grades are multiplied by the Credit Value of the course. The product of all courses are added and divided by the total credits, resulting in Grade Points.
A cumulative G.P.A. is calculated upon completion of semester and year long courses. During a student’s senior year, the cumulative year-to-date G.P.A. is calculated only after the completion of all coursework and exams. At this time a valedictorian and salutatorian will be selected. Students ranked in the upper tier of their class should prepare for commencement exercises in the event they are selected as valedictorian or salutatorian.