The Action Priority


As exams get closer, the need to prioritise certain things will become more important.

When you feel like you have too much to do and not enough time, and Action Priority Matrix will help to keep on top of the things that are minimal effort and high gain!

Here's how it works...

  1. Download and print this Action Priority Matrix

2. Make a list of all the things that you need to do regarding your revision.

3. Categorise each task based on how much energy it'll require and how much impact it will have on your learning (Effort vs Impact)

4. Prioritise the tasks that are Quick Wins (Low Effort, High Impact)

Y11 Motivate (Activity 10- The Action Priority Matrix).mp4

Motivate: Action Priority Matrix Video Guide

Here, Mr Day goes into more detail on how an Action Priority Matrix can work for you during crunch time!