Television Review

Semester Long Immersion Project

  • In my sophomore year Chinese class at Wake Forest University, we completed an assignment called the "Pet Project".

  • Students spent an entire semester completing an activity that surrounded Chinese culture

  • For my project I watched a Chinese TV drama series titled "Meteor Garden" and gave my opinions on the various themes and plot lines


  • 在维克斯努力大学第二年纪的汉语课的时候,我们做了一个“Pet Project”

  • 整整一个学期学生花了完成了一项围绕中国文化的活动

  • 对于我活动,我看到一个电视剧说一说“流星花园”作为一名美国观众,我对各种主题和情节提出了自己的看法

Here is my website, please take a look!
