Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Starting several weeks ago, I started hosting a Whole Class Zoom Session on Thursday at 10 a.m. Schedule of these whole class sessions are subject to change if I have a meeting I need to attend for work but alternate options will be offered. :)

I also started scheduling Individual Zoom Sessions. If you did not complete the Google Form to indicate the best day and time that works for you and your child, you can still do so by clicking on the link I provided last week. I will do the best I can to accommodate the day and time that works best for you.

Please have your child bring paper and a pencil to all zoom sessions. Thank you in advance. :)

Please continue to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.


Monday Morning Check-In- Under Monday Morning Check-In Tab

Motivational Check-In with Mrs. Telano- Under Ms. T's Team Cangelosi Tab



Music- Under Music Tab


Motivational Check-In with Mrs. Telano



Art- Under Art Tab


Motivational Check-In with Mrs. Telano



Gym- Under gym tab


**From 2-3p.m. at William Floyd Elementary, come pick up your child's class t-shirt and yearbook that was purchased for them by the PTO. You can also pick up any belongings that you were not able to get previously. There will also be a Photo Opportunity available with Mrs. Telano, Mrs. Rossi and myself. We will be following social distancing guidelines for the picture and we ask that parents wear masks. If you are unable to make it, I will be dropping off everything to your house after 3 p.m. :) I look forward to seeing everyone!! **

Motivational Check-In with Mrs. Telano

Zoom Conference- Whole Class with Ms. Cangelosi and Mrs. Telano- Check new Zoom tab for link

Music- Under Music Tab


End of the Week Check-In with Mrs. Telano-Under Ms. T's Team Cangelosi Tab

