Complete Job App

Job ApplicationII

Good job with identifying the errors in Joe Student's app!

A common overlooked error is that he misspelled "manager". He wrote "manger". I point this out because spelling errors are a big deal on applications and resumes. You can't always rely on Spell Check because manger is a word and it won't pick it up. Also be sure to include names, he wrote "Mom" insteadof a name for an emergency contact.

Please read below for your next assignment.

DIRECTIONS: Read the PowerPoint that points out common errors made when filling out job apps.

The last slide is a job posting which you will use the blank application to "apply" for the job. Use the information in the posting to help you complete the app.

The attached video is about a minute long and offers advice for filling out a job app if you have no experience. Use it to help you complete the app below. Ignore the very last page.

You must download the application by hovering over the top right corner of the document and choosing download from the file menu.

Then read the rubric to see how you will be evaluated when you complete a job app. There is a section for the neatness and printing of a job app. You may type in your answers, I wanted to leave the neatness criteria in the rubric so you see it as a very important factor. It is the first impression of an applicant so it must be very neat.

You will send me your completed job app. Please have complete by May 16 and reach out to me via remind if you have any questions. Hope everyone is doing well!

Job Application Rubric.pdf
A Practice Job Application