Advanced Composition

When should I use EBSCO One Search?

EBSCO One Search is a search aggregator, which means that it searches multiple databases, as well as ebooks, at once. If you do decide to start here, look for the Research Starters for background information on your topic. Students are strongly encouraged to sort or filter all results!

What is an NGO or Think Tank?

NGO stands for Non-governmental Organization. An NGO is an advocacy group that educates and lobbies and raises money for social improvements that typcially fall within the humanitarian or environmental categories. An example of an NGO is the Environmental Defence Fund. 

A Think Tank consists of a broad scope of experts who compile data on a range of social, political, or economic issues. Some Think Tanks are also NGOs that focus on research or policy. They tend to offer research on broad social issues. An example of a Think Tank that is also an NGO is the Pew Research Center. An example of a Think Tank that is primarily government supported, is the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

NGOs and Think Tanks provide useful and trushworthy statistics and stories, but be aware that some of them are partisan

To search many Think Tanks at once, use this custom search: Think Tank Custom Search by Harvard Kennedy Library 

To search many NGOs at once, use this custom search: NGO Custom Search by Berkely Library

When should I search individual databases?

Searching one database, as opposed to an search aggregator like EBSCO One Search, allows you to take full advantage of research tools provided by that particular company. For example, Issues & Controversies contains models of research questions on the same topic, whereas CQ Resarcher provides in-depth reports of their own original reporting. Opposing Viewpoints provides a mix of news, reference articles, and primary source material. 

Great for topic exploration! Presents issues from many popular news sources, reference books, and podcasts. 

Fact-checked reports written by experienced journalists. This is great for finding clear data on represented topics.

Gale databases provide news, journal, reference, and media sources in a familiar format.

For medical-related topics only. Use this when seeking specific data. 

Which news sources should I search?

That depends on your topic! Is it an issue specific to this area, this country, or is it a world-wide issue? If a news source below is linked to a doc, then look for the login information for that newspaper. 

International News Sources

National News Sources

Local News Sources

What do authoritative sources look like?