Ages and Stages Questionnaire

Ages & Stages Questionnaires

ASQ At Home

March 2020 News & Updates


Would you like to learn more about your child’s development?

 The Weymouth CFCE offers a developmental screening called the ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire).  Parents and caregivers can access the Questionnaire on our  Family Access Page. (Click here) All screenings are free, confidential and a great way to assess your child’s development. 

What is ASQ, exactly?

ASQs help families reflect upon and review their child’s strengths, interests, attributes and areas that may need support. 

Here are the five important areas of development that each questionnaire looks at:

How does it work?

You may receive your ASQ questionnaire in the mail, or be given access to a secure website where you can fill it out, or be given the questionnaire during an in-person visit.