BlueEagle News

January 2018

Welcome to BlueEagle News for January 2018

BlueEagle News is a student produced video announcements for Wethersfield High School.To watch any of the archived videos click the links below.
Episode Includes: Cap and gown information for seniors, Kahn Academy SAT practice, volunteer recognition, club meetings, carnation sales, Teddygram sales, sports information and updates, a message from Principal Moore, over 650 shoes collected for fundraiser and more!
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-31-18Season 2: Episode 37
Hosted by Jared Kauffman & Justin BianchiSports Anchors: Tommy Dowd, 2018 and Ling
Directed by Christina Yanaros, 2019Assistant Director: Justin Bianchi, 2018Technical Director: Mike Johannes, 2021Teleprompter: Kadin Joyce, 2020Audio Technician: Audra Saladin, 2021
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 37
Episode includes: Second semester begins, Kahn Academy SAT practice, Youth Advisory Board wants to recognize students for volunteer work, club information, art awards, sports information and there's more!
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-26-18Season 2: Episode 36
Hosted by Jared Kauffman and Amina ShakeelSports by Kadin Joyce
Directed by Christina Yanaros, 2019Assistant Director: Justin Bianchi, 2018Technical Director: Audra Saladin, 2021Teleprompter: Sue CocoGraphics, Christina Yanaros, 2019Edited by: Christina Yanaros, 2019
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 36
Episode includes: Midterm exam schedule, get prepped for SAT/PSAT, juniors post-graduate meeting, Safe Grad fundraiser, college fair, club information, sports meetings, Hockey is having a fundraiser for Wounded Warrior Project, and a tribute to Dr.Martin Luther King.
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-12-18Season 2: Episode 35
Hosted by George Stoughton and Justin Bianchi
Directed by Danielle Colbath, 2019 Technical Director: Chris Heavren 2020Assistant Technical Director: Abby Sywenkyj, 2018Teleprompter: Kylee Rossier, 2018Graphics: Erin Robles, 2019 Camera 1 - Kadin Joyce, 2020Camera 2 - RoboticCamera 3 - Maria DiMattia, 2018Edited by: Danielle Colbath, 2019Floor Director: Kadin Joyce, 2020
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 35
Episode includes: Updated midterm exam schedule, get prepped for SAT/PSAT, juniors post-graduate meeting, last day of shoe drive, Safe Grad fundraiser, college fair, club information, a look at Martin Luther King, Jr Day and DECA does an anti-vaping campaign.
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-10-18Season 2: Episode 34
Hosted by George Stoughton & Justin Bianchi
Directed by Danielle Colbath, 2019 Technical Director: Chris Heavren 2020Assistant Technical Director: Abby Sywenkyj, 2018Teleprompter: Danielle Colbath, 2019Graphics: Erin Robles, 2019 Camera 1 - Kadin Joyce, 2020Camera 2 - RoboticCamera 3 - Maria DiMattia, 2018Edited by: Erin Robles, 2019Floor Director: Kadin Joyce, 2020
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 34
Episode includes: Snow days could effect exam schedule, NEHS Tutoring Center, SAT prep class, post-graduate planning night for juniors, shoe drive, driver education classes, fundraiser for Class of 2018, and club information.
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-8-18Season 2: Episode 33
Hosted by George Stoughton & Chris Heavren
Directed by Danielle Colbath, 2019 Technical Director: Jillian Amoroso, 2018Assistant Technical Director: Kylee Rossier, 2018Teleprompter: Danielle Colbath, 2019Graphics: Erin Robles, 2019 Camera 1 - Maria DiMattia, 2018Camera 2 - John Gregory, 2019Camera 3 - Abby Sywenkyj, 2018Edited by: Erin Robles, 2019Floor Director: Kadin Joyce, 2020
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 33
Episode includes: Midterm exam schedule, SAT prep class, shoe drive, Driver's Education, Safe Grad fundraiser, club meetings, spring musical is looking for dancers, and a message from the Athletic Director, Mr. Mike Maltese.
BlueEagle NewsPosted 1-3-18Season 2: Episode 32
Hosted by Amina Shakeel & Jared Kauffman
Directed by Danielle Colbath, 2019 Technical Director: Michael Johannes, 2021 Teleprompter: Danielle Colbath, 2019Graphics: Christina Yanaros, 2019 Camera 1 - Erin Robles, 2019Camera 2 - RoboticCamera 3 - Kadin JoyceEdited by: Danielle Colbath, 2019Audio: Kadin Joyce, 2020
Music by: Jack Bretton, 2017Producer: Ms. Sue CocoSeason 2: Episode 32