Train the Teacher

We can probably learn the essentials of all we need to know about effective teaching from two sources:

  • being learners ourselves with preferences, uniqueness, challenges and victories, and
  • our students.

It's like this in business, too. "Followers" know best what makes a great leader, and leaders, if they stop to think about it, know how it feels to be a valued and supported follower. Still, the tradition persists of consulting experts in one's field (and in how organizations work) to train the people who will then serve as teachers to the rest of the organization or team. We call this "training the trainer." In my mind, this can have the effect of enriching both one's practice and the environment in which important learning and work take place.

This "Train the Teacher" room in Mrs. Burton's Speak Up, then, is for cross-pollination. I'll share info from people and trainings related to education that I feel have particular merit and promise, all with bright hope that what I glean may also have value for you.

Please feel free to do the same.