Free Apps

Free Web Apps

"Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize user-generated content, usability, and interoperability."

Padlet - a virtual wall that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily.

Thing Link an interactive media platform that to create more engaging content by adding rich media links to photos and videos.

Formative A platform for real-time formative assessments.

Kahoot - lets you build fun quizzes. Students use computers, phones or other devices to join the game.

Quizlet makes simple tools that let you study anything, for free.

Pixlr* - Image Editor, free alternative to Photoshop

Sketchpad - Create Vector Graphics, saves to Google Drive, free Illustrator Alternative.

Prezi - cloud-based presentation software that uses a virtual canvas with a zooming user interface

Lucid Chart#* - Lucidchart is your solution for visual communication. Online flowcharts, diagrams, UML sketches, and ER models have never been easier.

Lucid Press# - a web-based drag and drop publishing app, enabling anyone to create stunning content for print and digi

Powtoon# - create animated presentations by manipulating objects, images, music and voice-overs

Newsela - hundreds of articles, converts to 5 different reading levels.

Quiziz - Make Multiplayer Quizzes online.

WeVideo#* - makes video editing easy for everyone and accessible from anywhere. available on Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC and Chromebook. - Make Notes while watching videos!