Whats been going on in school?

27 March 2020

Rosecourt Road - NHS tributes

Baking Bread - Canterbury Road

2 April 2020

In Science this term Year 2 have been investigating the life cycles of different animals. As part of our learning we were closely studying the life cycle of a butterfly and were lucky enough to have live caterpillars in our learning zones. We observed the changes in the caterpillars and saw them more than double in size and finally climb to the top of the caterpillars home and spin themselves into a silky cacoon and recorded this in our caterpillar diary. Finally the beautiful butterflies have emerged from their cacoons and the children have released them into the open air. Now the butterflies will go and lay their own eggs and the life cycle will start all over again.

10 April - The first week of the Easter holidays in school.

22 April 2020 - The second week of the Easter holdays in school