Useful Links

LGfL - Remote learning links - rich menu of resources - guide

EYFS includes Busy Things, Talking Books and J2E infant tool kit

KS1 includes Busy Things, Talking Books, Maths at home for parents, Early Shakespeare, Comic Maker, Grammar explained and Art skills

KS2 includes Busy Things, Art Skill, J2E, Maths skills for parents, Reading Zone Live, Maths Raps , Comic Maker, Grammar Explained and much more

EYFS and KS1 Ruth Miskin phonics lessons- see timetable here

A free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler
The book answers the below key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9 year olds:

Nursery and Reception Links

Below are a selection of links to games and activities

BBC bitesize

cbeebies - Games


Oxford Owl - Kids' activities


Fisher Price - Games


Busy Things

Science/ Geography

**NEW for KS2**

Join the FSC live as they look beneath the surface, exploring gardens, the earth beneath our feet and become explorers, experiencing wild spaces in ways that you might have never thought of before.

Click on the links below to book a FREE place to take part in a live session.

Soil Exploration – Monday 20th April

Creative Exploration – Friday 24th April

Habitat Exploration – Thursday 30th April

General Knowledge Quizzes

All Subjects

General sites

Hamilton Trust - English and maths resources for home learning

First News - Keep up to date with the latest news. For the latest edition, click here

Bear Grylls/Scouts- indoor activities

Top marks - EYFS

BBC Bitesize - Daily content for years 1 and 2 and years 3 to 6

School of Kindness - activities linked to kindness

Teach your monster to read - EYFS

Twinkl - (Parents section)

Scholastic home learning packs

Classroom secrets

Practice KS2 SATs Questions

Active at home - sports activities children can complete at home

12 virtual museum tours

National Geographic for kids