
The Journey!

In November of 2008, Aloha High School notified Westside Food Brigade of a great need. They noticed that there were many homeless high school students that attended the school, who were part of the weekly meal plan but had no food to eat during the weekends.

It was then that the Westside Food Brigade really saw the needs of our local kids & their families and wanted to help out. The focus moved from Portland to the Westside Community Church Campus to be as close to Aloha High School as possible.

For a time, local Westsiders' would donate food along with the help of AHS. Then word got out and donations from local stores and food drives started coming in.

In 2013, we joined the Oregon Food bank and became a partner agency and an emergency food box (EFB) pantry. That allowed Food Brigade to buy food at very low cost from the Oregon Food Bank and enabled us to help more people in the community than ever before. Aside from the OFB, Grocery Outlet has been one of the main contributors along with Safeway, Albertson’s, Fred Meyer, Target, Walmart, New Seasons and Winco. They all make donations to the food pantry.


In 2018, we became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Westside Food Brigade serves between 220 and 300 families per week. We are open on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30. The journey is continuing to the next level.

We pick up our weekly food order on Friday morning from the Food bank and fill our truck from front to back and give it away every week. We also make trips on Thursdays and Friday to pick up fresh produce and dairy items.

Thank You to the generous financial donations of our donors, volunteers and those who have a passion for helping hurting people.