About Us
The Westside Drama program was created in 2003 with our first production, Grease. Since then the program has grown to include three shows per year: a fall drama play, a winter student-directed production, and a spring musical. To date, the WSHS Drama program has staged more than 50 shows and counting.
Our program strives to produce high-quality, technically complex, artistically relevant shows, never forgetting the goals of educational theater: to give students opportunities to build self-confidence, develop their teamwork skills, learn responsibility and accountability, and, ultimately, explore the human condition - all while working towards a common goal with their classmates. On stage or backstage, important skills are learned every time you work on a show.
We are adding New clubs and creative groups, check out our "Up Next" tab for more info!
Theatre is a SCIENCE. Theatre is MATH.
Theatre is a FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Theatre is HISTORY.
Theatre is BUSINESS. Theatre is TECHNOLOGY.
Theatre is ECONOMICS.
Theatre is taught in schools
not because you are expected to major in theatre,
not because you are expected to perform all through life,
not so you can relax,
not so you can have fun,
so you will recognize BEAUTY, so you will be SENSITIVE,
so you will be closer to an INFINITE BEYOND THIS WORLD,
so you will have more LOVE, more COMPASSION, more GENTLENESS, more GOOD,
in short, more LIFE.
Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?
That is why theatre belongs in our schools.
Did you know~
Students involved in drama performance coursework or experience outscored non-arts students on the 2005 SAT by an average of 65 points in the verbal component and 34 points in the math component?
Drama activities improve reading comprehension, and both verbal and non-verbal communication skills?
Drama helps to improve school attendance and reduce high school dropout rates?
A 2005 Harris Poll revealed that 93% of the public believes that arts, including theatre, are vital to a well-rounded education?
Drama can improve skills and academic performance in children and youth with learning disabilities?
More information on the impact of drama programs in our schools.
Copyright © 2023 Westside Drama (West Seattle High School.) All rights reserved.