Social Emotional

If you need help, please do not hesitate to reach out to your counselor.  If your counselor is not available, feel free to speak to another counselor.

Who is my counselor?

Counselors and administrators work in teams to help meet your students' needs. Please see below to identify your child's support team, which is based on their assigned counselor. 

Assigned Counselor (Alphabetical by Last Name)

A - Ch - Kirk Henningsen

Ci - Ge - Ted Dondlinger

Gf - J - Lori Cunningham

K - Mi - Zach Maloley

Mj - Ri - Lindsey Stover

Rj - St - Vicki Londer

Su - Z - Maggie Forman

West Campus - Teunnia Archie

Assigned Administrator (Alphabetical by Last Name)

A - Co - Sarah Schau

Cp - G - Tola Dada

H - K - Lois Rasgorshek

L - N - Jennie Benning

O - Sj - Brad Metzler

Sk - Z - Emily Vlcek

West Campus -  Heather Rogers

How do I meet with my counselor?

Students can sign up for a time on their school counselor’s door.  Every counselor has their schedule for the week posted on their door.

*You can also email your counselor, but walking up to the Counseling Center to see if they are available, and signing up for a time if they are not there, is usually the most efficient way to get help. If it is of a serious nature it is a good idea to see any counselor that is available. 


Your Life Your Voice: Boystown National Hotline  - This is a great resource for individuals in need.  

Children's Behavioral Health 402.955.3900

Children's Behavioral Health_ 2019-2020 Communication (3)