Badges are as easy as... 1 - 2 - 3

Set a Goal!

*Find the badge that you would like to complete.

*Download/print or make a copy of the recording sheet.

*Read all of the steps 

*Make a plan and gather necessary materials.

*Share your plan with an adult.


*Complete all the steps/activities on the recording sheet.

*Double check your work and make sure you've completed the requirements for your grade level.

Share Your Work!

*Show/share your project with your teacher or the EY coordinator in your building. 

*If needed make modifications and resubmit.

How to Request YOUR Badge


*After your project is approved please fill out the badge request form.

*Your EY Coordinator will share a Google Doc with you called 'Learning Badges'.

*Each time you earn a badge, your EY Coordinator will put an image of the badge in your Google Doc.

What is a Digital Dozen?

Completing a Digital Dozen means you have earned 12 badges! Earning a Digital Dozen takes dedication and we want to reward and recognize you for your hard work!


When you earn a Digital Dozen, you will pick out a prize from the PRIZE PAGE.  Your name and photo will also appear in your school newsletter, and posted on district social media accounts.