Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

On September 10th, we presented a professional development for all staff on Social Emotional Learning (SEL). As a resource for you, we wanted to share a quick video explaining what SEL is. Please click here for English and click here for Spanish.

In November, we began talking to students about self-management, the second competency in SEL. We explored this skill beginning in November and continued through December. Here is a Video that will give you a better understanding of self-awareness.

In January, we started exploring social awareness. Here is a video that will give you a better understanding of this third competency.

In March, we will explore the 4th competency of SEL, which is relationship skills. Here is a video that will you a better understanding of this competency.

In May, we will start discussing the 5th and last competency of SEL: Responsible decision making. Here is a video that will give you a better understanding of this competency.

Videos, sounds, and resources to help you relax and refocus

Teen Health & Wellness Calm Room

How to manage stress

Please read this article to help you manage stress. It will give you great techniques.

Just Breathe.pdf


Behavior Support Strategies at Home.pdf

Ten positive behavior support strategies to support families at home

Copy of Stress Jan 2020 Montclair corrected.pdf

Let's talk about stress

SEL moments at home

The social and emotional development of students starts at home.

Families and caregivers are, arguably, every school's most important partners in growing a child's social-emotional learning (SEL).

And the research backs this up: The positive outcomes of SEL curriculum can amplify when it extends into the home. Family members who reinforce and model the same SEL skills and competencies that are taught in the classroom can accelerate a student’s social-emotional development.

Yet, parents and caregivers with positive intentions don't always know where to start—or how to help—when it comes to social-emotional learning. As district administrators, school leaders, and teachers, it's up to us to initiate and nurture that consistency between home and school for SEL.

Here are seven resources to help guide families through their social-emotional learning efforts at home. From free apps, to videos, to games, these materials are perfect for helping parents and caregivers turn everyday moments and interactions into “SEL moments.”

Inner Explorer @ Home App

Harmony at Home Lessons

"Wisdom: The World of Emotions" Game

The Family Guide to Supporting Student Well-Being

The Play at Home Guide