High Schools 

Westmont High School

AND one of the following - 

Downers Grove North


No required summer reading.

DGN Library has an optional BINGO board students can use to enter a prize drawing for reading. There is also a curated list of teacher recommendations students can choose to explore if they want.


Techer Recommendations

Bingo Board

Downers Grove South 


No required summer reading.

Hinsdale South High School


Encourages students to to read over the long break and pursue their individual reading preferences and passions. As a starting point, Hinsdale South recommends the 2023 Lincoln Award books nominated by teens, teachers, and librarians across Illinois. Additionally, the Association of Illinois High School Librarians keeps an archive of previously-nominated titles that students and parents may choose to reference for additional titles. 


2023 Lincoln Award Books

Archive of Previously-Nominated 

Hinsdale Central High School


Encouraging students to read one book of their choice from the designated level, and, if inspired, keep reading from all the lists. When school starts in the fall, students should expect to take a survey in class about their summer reading experience.  

If you have any questions, please direct them to David Lange, English Department Chair, at dlange@hinsdale86.org. 


Summer Reading Recommendations