JVE/HE LearningHub

Week 8
VE virtual classroom to promote independent learning

HE Homeroom

Student timetableTERM FOUR 2020

Time to Learn Link

Student etiquette

Holiday Activities:

1) 100 word challenge: Using one of the prompts below. Compose a piece of writing that only has 100 words. I will then post them onto our blog and enter them in the challenge.

2) Self isolation Kit Science 321 - Click here - Password-sciencefun

3) Learn about amazing animals. Make a fact sheet on your google home learning slide using screen castify.

4) Reading - A book a day and activities Scholastic

5) PE - Indoor workout - Just dance youtube channel

6) Maths is fun - lots of activities here.

This week's prompts: Create a Google Doc and share with Ms Veale. You must only use 100 words in your writing.

Prompt One

…suddenly they froze with nothing to say…

Prompt Two

Blue, Sad, Giraffes, Snowflakes, Coco

Home Learning Activities - You can work on these over the holidays.

Parent/Teacher communication

search facebook for JVe & JHe
