Hello! I'm Mr. Lennan, and I teach 11th Grade U.S. History and Journalism at Westlake Charter High School, HOME OF THE EXPLORERS!

On this website, you can access all types of resources that you'll need to stay up to date with your class. You will find links to class syllabi, campus and community event announcements, and contact information. For more detailed information on our weekly classwork, please go to our Google Classroom page.

Below, you will find the WCS Event Calendar and information on how best to contact Mr. Lennan. To EXPLORE more detailed information on Advisory, Journalism, U.S. History, or Mr. Lennan's biography, click the links above!

Contact Mr. Lennan:

Work Phone (7am - 5pm): (313) 405-9132

Email: blennan@westlakecharter.com