The Dragon's Tale Newsletter
The DragonTale newsletter is the monthly publication for the Barony of Selviergard, a group within the Principality of Oertha in the Kingdom of the West. The Barony is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
The DragonTale newsletter is the monthly publication for the Barony of Selviergard, a group within the Principality of Oertha in the Kingdom of the West. The Barony is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
The DragonTale newsletter publishes event information, a calendar, and several specialty articles on a variety of different subjects. You are welcome to contact the Chronicler if you wish to use an article that you see here and she will help you to contact the originator of the work.
The DragonTale newsletter publishes event information, a calendar, and several specialty articles on a variety of different subjects. You are welcome to contact the Chronicler if you wish to use an article that you see here and she will help you to contact the originator of the work.
Would you like to submit an piece to the newsletter? We are always looking for articles, artwork, photographs, poems, and recipes to add to this publication. Submitting something is very easy to do.
Would you like to submit an piece to the newsletter? We are always looking for articles, artwork, photographs, poems, and recipes to add to this publication. Submitting something is very easy to do.
For Articles: Because the DragonTale newsletter is published through electronic media, we have no word-count requirements. However, if your article is over 20,000 words we may have to split it up between two or more consecutive months.
For Articles: Because the DragonTale newsletter is published through electronic media, we have no word-count requirements. However, if your article is over 20,000 words we may have to split it up between two or more consecutive months.
Article topics are your choice, but we ask that you keep the topic to the Society for Creative Anachronism's historical scope; from antiquity to the Renaissance. Other than that, we accept most any topic you may be interested in sharing with others.
Article topics are your choice, but we ask that you keep the topic to the Society for Creative Anachronism's historical scope; from antiquity to the Renaissance. Other than that, we accept most any topic you may be interested in sharing with others.
Make sure to submit a SCA Creative Work Copyright Assignment / Grant Use Form to help us publish your article. Without the above form, we cannot publish your work. We recommend keeping your copyright titles and interests and simply granting us the use of your article. You worked hard on your article, you should keep the full copyright.
Make sure to submit a SCA Creative Work Copyright Assignment / Grant Use Form to help us publish your article. Without the above form, we cannot publish your work. We recommend keeping your copyright titles and interests and simply granting us the use of your article. You worked hard on your article, you should keep the full copyright.
Send your article and Grant Use Form to the Chronicler. The deadline for submissions is the 25th of the the month. In some cases, the Chronicler can still add your article to the newsletter for that month or, if not, post it in the next months newsletter.
Send your article and Grant Use Form to the Chronicler. The deadline for submissions is the 25th of the the month. In some cases, the Chronicler can still add your article to the newsletter for that month or, if not, post it in the next months newsletter.
Submissions can be in Word Document or in an e-mail.
Submissions can be in Word Document or in an e-mail.
Photographs and Artwork: Submitting photographs or artwork follows the same procedures above with the exception that you need to submit a SCA Model Release Form for photographs of a single individual. The individual that the photograph is of needs to be the one to fill it out. Photographs of more than one person simply need the general release form.
Photographs and Artwork: Submitting photographs or artwork follows the same procedures above with the exception that you need to submit a SCA Model Release Form for photographs of a single individual. The individual that the photograph is of needs to be the one to fill it out. Photographs of more than one person simply need the general release form.
Submissions can be in GIF, PNG, BMP, or JPEG formats.
Submissions can be in GIF, PNG, BMP, or JPEG formats.
Any further questions can be directed at the Chronicler who will assist you. Thank you for taking the time to submit to the DragonTale; we appreciate your help in this endeavor!
Any further questions can be directed at the Chronicler who will assist you. Thank you for taking the time to submit to the DragonTale; we appreciate your help in this endeavor!