

Have you ever struggled to take notes while watching videos? Not anymore! VideoNotes enables you to:

  • Watch videos and take notes at the same time, on the same screen
  • Keep the same shortcuts to play/pause your video while writing notes
  • Automatically synchronize your notes and video. Just click on a line of your notes to jump to the related part of the video.

Everything is automatically stored in your Google Drive, to access them everywhere.


  • Upload a video and synchronize notes while viewing
  • Access and share via Google Drive

Student Responsibilities

Please review the linked resources below, complete the tasks, and share your thoughts on Google Classroom.


    • Visit and connect your school-issued Google account with by clicking Connect with Google Drive.
    • Upload a video from YouTube, Khan Academy, Vimeo, or another compatible video service and take notes as you view (your notes will be synchronized to the video)
    • Retrieve your file in your Google Drive account and share the link in your discussion post.
    • Task your students with taking synchronized notes using (Note: If YouTube is blocked for students, try using Khan Academy as an alternative).


Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share a link to your (be sure your Share settings are such that "Anyone with the link can view").
    • Evaluate as a teaching and learning tool.
    • Share your thoughts on how you might use this with students or colleagues.
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note.