

EDpuzzle empowers teachers to make any video your lesson. Crop a video, explain it with your own voice and embed quizzes at any time. If you use videos in the classroom, EDpuzzle is a must have. Take any video from YouTube, Khan Academy, Learn Zillion, etc. make it perfect for your classroom and more engaging for your students. Make any video a true lesson by making it to the point, personal and effective, plus get all the data about your students so you know if they truly understand the lesson.


  • Create and assign custom video lessons using EDpuzzle and assess student work.

Student Responsibilities

Please review the linked resources below, complete the tasks, and share your thoughts on Google Classroom.


    • Visit EDpuzzle and sign-up for a free Teacher account with your school-issued Google account.
    • Create a custom video-based lesson relevant to your subject/grade level and share the link in your discussion post.
    • Assign your EDpuzzle lesson to your students and assess their work.


Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share a link to your EDpuzzle lesson.
    • Evaluate EDpuzzle as a teaching and learning tool.
    • Share your thoughts on how you might use this with students or colleagues.
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note.