Additional Info


Medicine at Camp 🡪 Middle School 🡪 Resources 🡪 Clinic Forms 🡪 Medication Drop Off and Pick Up Form 

 If possible, each student should pack his or her belongings in no more than two bags: a duffel bag for clothing and toiletry items, and a garbage bag for bedding. Please make sure that each bag is clearly labeled with your child’s name. Students should not bring more than they can carry. Please see the attached supply list for details on what students should and should not bring with them to camp.

Since the students cannot bring their bags with them on their regular bus to school, they will need to be dropped off Monday morning with their equipment. Parents are discouraged from coming into the building with their students as this will add to the number of cars in the parking lot/drop-off line. When the students arrive, they will take their belongings with them to the cafeteria to wait in their designated locations. We have set up the following schedule to avoid a traffic jam in the parking lot; please follow it as closely as your schedule allows:

Drop-Off Times - Monday, March 11

7:30 – 7:45 A.M. Last Names A through I

7:45 – 8:00 Last Names J through P

8:00 – 8:15 Last Names Q through Z

Students and their equipment will need to be picked up when we return on Wednesday. Whomever is picking up your child will need to come into the cafeteria and sign him/her out. Please do your best to abide by the following schedule when picking up your child and equipment on Wednesday:

Pick-Up Times - Wednesday, March 13

12:45 – 12:55 Last Names A through I

12:55 – 1:05 Last Names J through P

1:05 – 1:15 Last Names Q through Z

Don’t forget the following dates:

March 4:  Camp money due with permission slip 

- February 26:  Medication and forms due to Dawn Mansfield, school nurse (forms are available online at 🡪 Middle School 🡪 Resources 🡪 Clinic Forms 🡪 Medication Drop Off and Pick Up Form  If your child takes any medication, this must be filled out! 

Students not attending school will have an adjusted academic schedule during the camp trip.  

If you have any further questions, you can contact me at

Thank you,

Scott Raines

Outdoor Education Director