Afford the College Visits

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10 Tips to minimize the cost of visits:

NARROW The Field

1) Do Your Homework!

Eliminate the "Maybe's."  A tighter list is more affordable and can yield results you really want.

2) Stay local.  

College Reps can let you know if their majors mesh with your career goals, if the major you want is even on the campus you want or if your major has changed or been eliminated.  Maybe their  answers about athletics or campus life don't feel like the right "fit."  Or maybe one conversation could make you feel like this is THE school to focus your energies (and funds) on.  

Keep narrowing those "must-haves" before jumping on a bus or plane.  

3) Let Experience Be Your Guide.  

How you experience the process may help you extrapolate 

how you might experience the school.

Time to VISIT!

4) Spread Out the Cost!

It's easier to cover those costs if they aren't happening all at once!

5) Save on Meals! 

A little planning for a long drive or overnight, can save on dining.

6) Student Discounts.  

Web searches may get you on your way!

5) Tack it onto a family vacation - Whether cross country or overseas, add a college visit at your destination! 

If you're not visiting family, Colleges may offer discounts for meals, 

attractions & area stays. 

7) Double up!  

Map your tour loop to minimize travel.  

8) Or Wait!  

Confident you could enroll if you love it?  That's worth a trip!

9) Call Admissions. 

Visit Grants - Does your school offer the new "Visit Grant"?  (When you enroll, you earn tuition funds just because you visited in person.  Savings in the long run! Contact Admissions and ask!

Financial Struggles -  Budget still too tight? Call Admissions and ask if assistance is available.  Many colleges are committed to increasing the college going rate of first-generation, low-income, and underserved students and offer travel grants for students in need.  

Your trip could be a phone call away.

10) When All Else Fails, Apply Anyway!

In our less than ideal world, sometimes budgets and schedules still get in the way.  With the current range of virtual insight, you can still find YOUR school without a visit!  Many students still accept admission without setting foot on their perfect campus.  

No matter your process, enjoy the process!  

We wish you the best in finding YOUR match!