Membership Selection Process

Timeline for joining the National Honor Society:

Freshman & Sophomore (maybe Junior )years: Join and be an active participant in organized service. Completion of leadership roles are a prerequisite of NHS membership at WA. Leadership roles are defined as an elected or appointed position that you held for an extended period of time where you motivated peers of your own age.

Spring: Attend either of the two information sessions announced on the morning announcements. Held in the Lecture Hall.

Summer: This year's NHS selection process will begin over the summer when all juniors and seniors receive an invitation letter via email. There will be two optional  information meetings in the lecture hall on March  7th &   14th, 2024. There will be optional Q&A one hour long Google Meets over the summer for students who have additional questions on the following dates:

August 1st  1pm (1-2pm).   

August 2nd  2pm (2-3pm).

  Online Information Form

It is recommended that you complete the NHS Selection Information form below over the summer.  This will leave you the time necessary to gather documentation before the September submission deadline. You must log in using your Westford credentials ( - please contact Mr. Fuhr or Mrs. Aylward if you are not able to log in).

All information, including the essays, must be entered in this form. Essay criteria linked here. Please have all information ready before opening form as returning to the form after submitting it is not possible. You will need:

-Your leadership essay should begin with the sentence:  

I was elected by my peers OR appointed by my advisory/coach (select which one is appropriate) as a leader/captain/etc for _______________________________________ (list your club, team, etc).  I believe I demonstrated leadership for my peers by .........................  (be specific i.e. the faculty council should know "how to do your job" themselves after reading your essay.)

- Your description of the election or appointment process should be so detailed that the Faculty Council could host the election themselves!  

-Your leadership essay should end with the sentence:  As a result of my leadership, ............... (complete this sentence).

Descriptions of leadership positions and community service performed signed by your supervisors (not a parent or relative).  Your supervisors MUST include both a cell phone number and email as contact information. Hard copies with supervisor signatures should be placed in the basket in the main office.  If mailing directly to WA with the address Westford Academy NHS c/o Mr. Fuhr 30 Patten Road Westford MA 01886. Ensure the envelope is postmarked at least 10 days BEFORE the deadline. Do NOT use an envelope; place papers in the basket without folding.

Character Reference: All applicants submit 1 character reference written by someone outside of WA (not a family member or WA faculty member).  It must be a at least 150 words, but no more than 400 words.  The character reference MUST include a specific example of when/how you demonstrated integrity, honesty and/or sincerity outside of Westford Academy.  Your reference MUST include both a contact cell phone number and an email address. Hard copies with signatures should be placed in the basket in the main office.  If mailing directly to WA with the address Westford Academy NHS c/o Mr. Fuhr 30 Patten Road Westford MA 01886. Ensure the envelope is postmarked at least 10 days BEFORE the deadline. Do NOT use an envelope; place papers in the basket without folding.


Applications will be due September 15th, 2023 at 2:00 pm.  

National Honor Society members are expected to meet deadlines because contributing to community service requires members who are dependable and organized. Missing selection process deadlines is a clear indicator of future reliability. 

Timeline after submission: 

The advisors organize the essays to give to the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council reads all essays. This is typically 150+ pages so it takes a significant amount of time. 

The Faculty Council meets and votes on each applicant; usually 100+ applicants. The advisors notify applicants of the results.

Applicants may appeal the result. Details available in the Bylaws. Faculty Council votes a second time after reviewing the appeals.

Induction Ceremony rehearsal followed immediately by Ceremony.