Grade 6

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The School Counseling staff at Blanchard Middle School, in an effort to get to know and see all students in their grade, teach four 45-minute blocks within the 6-day rotation. Class sizes are typically around 18 students. Trimesters are about 12 weeks, which allows for about 10 Social Emotional Academic Learning (SEAL) lessons. Exceptions in class size and content are made for students in band and orchestra.

A variety of topics are covered over the course of the three years that are connected socially, emotionally, and academically to the curriculum. In brief, the following general topics are covered through various lessons 6th grade. Topics may vary based on current needs related to time of year.

6th grade SEAL Class Topics:

  • Transition to Middle School

    • Understanding the function and role of the school's counseling department

    • Exciting and challenging differences with Elementary School

    • Supporting the Transition

    • Adjusting to Middle School

  • Learning Styles

    • Auditory/Visual/Kinesthetic

    • Learning Style Traits

    • Study skills related to learning styles

    • Developing good academic and social habits as a student

    • Discovering a learning style and how to utilize it on a regular basis

    • How to become self-aware of learning modalities that work well for the individual

  • Growth Mindset

    • Fixed vs Growth

    • Positive mindset

    • Changing your mindset

    • Accepting challenges

    • Brain growth

    • Self-Advocacy

    • Recognizing personal strengths

    • Becoming a confident learner

  • Emotions

    • Recognizing, defining, understanding, managing, and accepting

  • Character Development

    • Perspective taking

    • Social filter

    • How you view yourself vs. how others view you

    • Strength in Character

    • Individual vs. Group values

    • Citizenship and being part of a community

We understand that children often learn in many different ways and the focus of this class is to develop habits and traits that will lead them to success as learners and community members here at Blanchard.