US I - Project '79


Project ’79 U.S. History I focuses on exploring American identity and culture from the early national period through the mid-20th century. Students will take a project-based learning approach to consider how the nation developed and how we have grappled with complex societal issues. We will examine various aspects of American geography, culture, economics, politics, wars, and foreign policy to better understand the world we live in today. Historical events will be analyzed and directly related to current events so that students can make meaningful connections between history and the present time.

Primary and secondary sources of reference are utilized with an emphasis on helping students develop advanced skills in reading, writing, research, listening, and speaking. Primary readings will be used to foster class discussions and guide student inquiry into various topics. Students will be responsible for research and writing assignments which will help them improve their critical thinking skills. Social-emotional learning techniques are built into our program to help our students build confidence and grow personally as well as academically. As members of Project ’79, our students are truly a community of learners who will help each other develop their academic skills and prepare for both college and career in the 21st century.