Biology 1

7011 Biology I

Prerequisites: None

Grade 8 (Gifted), 9 & 10 Full Year 6.00 Credits

Description: Biology I is a multidisciplinary subject, drawing content from language arts, mathematics and basic chemistry concepts. Students perform activities that help develop observational, analytical and problem-solving skills. As the course progresses, students who develop understanding acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to solve complex, real-world problems that extend beyond the core ideas of biology. As a college preparatory course, Biology I has been adapted to prepare students for further studies in the natural sciences.

There are five main life science principles investigated in Biology I: Structure and Function, Inheritance and Variation of Traits, Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, and Natural Selection & Evolution. The performance expectations for Biology I blend core ideas with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support students in developing usable knowledge that can be applied across all of the science disciplines offered at Westfield High School.

A Note From Dr. P

While the content of the course is designed to teach you how to appreciate the natural world around you, my primary goal is to help you become well rounded, critical thinkers who can help solve society’s challenges. I will do my best to uphold a respectful, productive and supportive classroom atmosphere. I will clearly explain requirements and due dates for all assignments and tests. I am always more than willing to meet with students individually. My schedule is posted online and outside my classroom. Do not be afraid to ask me questions no matter how large or small they may seem.