Second Grade Math

What your child should know and be able to do...

Throughout the school year, 2nd grade students will spend the most time working on the following topics. They should understand them well by the end of the year.

  • Solving challenging addition and subtraction word problems with one or two steps. (For example, a “one-step” problem would be: “Lucy has 23 fewer apples than Julio. Julio has 47 apples. How many apples does Lucy have?”

  • Mentally adding the sum of any two single digit numbers (remembering that 7+9=16). Subtracting mentally with ease from a number 20 or less.

  • Understanding what the digits mean in three-digit numbers. (The number 342 refers to 3 hundreds, 4 tens, and 2 ones).

  • Using understanding of place value to add and subtract three-digit numbers. (811+367). Adding and subtracting two digit numbers with ease (77-28).

  • Measuring and estimating length in standard units.

  • Solving addition and subtraction word problems involving length. (For example, “The pen is 2 cm longer than the pencil. If the pencils is 7cm long, how long is the pen?”)

Everyday activities to support learning:

  • Ask children addition and subtraction problems with one or two steps as they engage with their world. For example:

    1. One step: “Today we are going to spend 70 minutes reading and doing puzzles. 25 minutes will be for doing puzzles. How many minutes will we read?”

    2. Two step: “You gathered 60 vegetables from the community garden. You gathered 30 cobs of corn and 20 tomatoes. The rest of the vegetables were peppers. How many peppers did you collect?”

  • Practice addition. Add ones and ones, tens and tens, and hundreds and hundreds for problems like 413 + 281.