Forms and Links

The State of Montana has a number of patient resources available via their website MT State Marijuana Website ( Since the state program may change over time, it's always best to be sure you review their website for the most up-to-date information, or contact them at the numbers below with questions.

State of Montana:

Phone: 406-444-0596

Fax: 406-444-1742

Do you have your medical records?

As you know, the Montana medical marijuana program requires that you have been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition. Without the critical data in your medical records, it is possible we may not have enough information to fill out your Montana state certification form. No one wants that to happen! If you don't have copies of the records that verify your qualifying condition, you should request copies ASAP. If you request records sent directly to Western Path, your hospital/clinic typically won't charge a fee.

Below are release of information forms from some common Montana clinics, as well as a generic form that should work for any hospital or clinic.

Generic Release of Information Form