For Parents

Handy Device Care.pdf

The Should Do's and Should Not Do's of device care. This document goes over some commonsense precautions on how to ensure your device keeps working as hard as you do.

This tutorial will go over what Google Meets is and the features that are available.

2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom

This slide show will go over how to navigate Google Classroom.

This video made my Anne Doyle will verbally walk you through getting into Google Classroom.

Parent_ Skyward Parent Access Tutorial - Website.pdf

This tutorial will explain what our parents see in Skyward.

Parents_ Updating Demographics in Skyward (Pseduo Approvals).pdf

This document will show and explain what information parents can update about themselves and their child/children.

Expectation of Device Care .pdf

This document is our Expectation of Device Care that we asked all parents and students to sign when handing out devices to Grades 9 and 10.