Distance Learning
Welcome to Westerly Public Schools Distance Learning page.
Welcome to Westerly Public Schools Distance Learning page.
Please note the Resources tab at the top of the page. We have sorted material by school, parents, students, and staff.
Please note the Resources tab at the top of the page. We have sorted material by school, parents, students, and staff.
Skyward Health Attestation Form QR Code
Skyward Health Attestation Form QR Code
By scanning the QR code, you will automatically be brought to Skyward.
WPS Health Attestation Tutorial - 9-13-2020 v1
Spanish_ Parent letter for families with students who have IEPs.pdf
Carta para padres para estudiantes que tienen IEP.
Parent letter for families with students who have IEPs.pdf
Parent letter for students who have IEPs.
Distance_learning_the_Bulldog_way_ (1).mp4
Distance Learning - The Bulldog Way
Distance Learning - The Bulldog Way
Please see this video compilation of the first day of Distance Learning created by our High School principal with material shared from across our district. The ending is the best part.
Please see some additional information for support through COVID-19.
This tutorial will go over what Google Meets is and the features that are available.
This will go over what Google Classroom is and help individuals gain familiarity with Google services.
All Schools Distance Learning Plans
All Schools Distance Learning Plans
Superintendent's Letter to Families
Superintendent's Letter to Families
Superintendent Letter to Families.pdf
Director of Pupil Personnel Letter to Families
Director of Pupil Personnel Letter to Families
Parent letter for families with students who have IEPs -2.docx.pdf