Awards Presentation Criteria

Research Excellence Award: Acknowledges the presenter who demonstrates outstanding research skills, including the formulation of research questions, methodology design, data analysis, and the generation of meaningful insights. 

Trailblazer Award: Celebrates the presenter who showcases unique and creative approaches, ideas, or solutions in their presentation, demonstrating originality, forward thinking, or novel methodologies.

Catalyst for Change Award: Recognizes the presenter whose presentation has the most significant and tangible impact, whether it be inspiring action, fostering change, or raising awareness about a specific issue or topic.

During the event, research and project presentations will be evaluated from 1-5 for each category below.

1. Context: Did the speaker provide adequate background knowledge to make the talk and its impact understandable?

2. Content/Significance: Was this a worthwhile project to conduct? Does/would it make a meaningful contribution to the discipline? 

3. Delivery:  Did the speaker’s body language, eye contact, and/or vocal range contribute to the effectiveness of the presentation? Did the speaker deliver the talk without relying excessively on notes?

4. Supporting materials: Were the supporting materials well designed, clear, and concise? Did they enhance the presentation and help to emphasize the primary points of the talk?

5. Timing and questions: Did the speaker use time effectively to present key information in the time frame allowed? Did the speaker  invite the audience to ask questions? 

Note: Adapted from  and