
Week Eight

May 18-22

3D Formula two

Week Seven

May 10-15

3D formula

Week Six

May 4-8

This is an additional PMT function HOWEVER the term is in MONTHS not years.

I will again email you this file on Sunday.

Week Five

Week Five Assignment for April 26, 2020

Here is some background information about the PMT function for you to read if you would like.

I will also email the spreadsheet as an attachment on Sunday.

PMT 1 Year term week 5.xlsx
3D number 2 for Week 8.xlsx
3d Formula Week 7 Excel.xlsx
PMT 2 MONTHLY for Week 6.xlsx

Week Four Assignment April 19, 2020

Please watch the video and then do the assignment. ABC Inventory Control below.

IF Statement number 1.xlsx
Vacation Chart Week 3.xlsx

Week Three Assignment

Week Two Assignment

Bald Eagle Week 2.xlsx

Week One Assignment

Hershey Expenses for Excel Class Review Charts.xlsx