Time to check in with...

Your mentor teacher!

During this meeting, you will be learning what competency-based education is. 

CBE Explained

CBE: Competency-Based Education.  A flip on traditional education! 

At a traditional school, there are "courses" that have lots of content--CBE has skills. Students can demonstrate those skills in studios, or create their own experiences. Skills are valued more than content or courses. Student ownership and voices are more important than courses or content as well. 


Lesson 1: What is a competency, anyway? 

Click play on the video and enlarge it to watch and learn: 

Understanding CBE

Continua: Understanding CBE 

Activity 1: Rate yourself on the continua- "Understanding CBE" 

Lesson 2: What are the competencies? 

Click play on the video and enlarge it to watch and learn: 


Party Challenge Board · SlidesMania

Activity 2: What are the competencies? 

Use this Challenge Board to help yourself become familiar with our Competencies! 

Lesson 3: What is a portfolio?  

Click play on the video and enlarge it to watch and learn: 

Want to know more about portfolios? Watch Tom's Video from Building 21. It has all the info! 

Let’s Figure Out What Portfolio You Are In

Activity 3: Which portfolio are you in for your subject areas?  

Next Up: Go see your Mentor!

You will be exploring several tools that Google offers.