Preview the Project


Performance Task:

From the perspective of prosecution or defense, analyze a SINGLE case and write a formal case study to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.

What is a formal case study?

A formal case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study (the case), as well as its related contextual conditions. Case studies can be produced by following a formal research method.

Example case study

Case Study example

Studio 9: Law and Disorder (Dun

How will I be rated?

MS 4 SS 1: Final Case Study Format

Case Study format

Forensic Investigation

scientific investigation vs. forensic investigation


Make a copy of the Project Companion below. This document will guide you through what needs to be completed in this Studio. Read the Performance Task Description and review the the Inquiry Question, then complete boxes 3-5. You will fill out the Project Pacing section with your Studio teacher.

Project Companion for Studio 9 Law and Disorder