ENGL 101

Part two: Nonfictional Texts

Milestone 1 Writing Effectively ELA.2

In this first milestone you will write an informational paper using the research from the previous studio. The assignments 1-4 will help you develop the paper. Your ability to effectively write an informational paper will be demonstrated in Performance task 1 and 2.

Milestone 2 Understanding Nonfiction Techniques, How to Use and Analyze them.

Milestone 2 will focus on your ability to use reading strategies to make sense of complex texts. Assignments 5-7 will help you develop these skills. You will show your mastery of these skills in Performance task 3.

Milestone 3 Argument Research

This milestone is only required for students looking to earn 3 college credits. If you are only working to earn your Central Credits move onto Milestone 5.

In this milestone will consist of the research you will need to write your argument paper about an aspect of consumerism in the United States. Assignments 8-9 will help you gather information to create this argument as well as evaluate the credibility of the information given.

Milestone 4 Argument Development

This milestone is only required for students looking to earn 3 college credits. If you are only working to earn your Central Credits move onto Milestone 5.

Using the information gathered in Milestone 3 you will write an argument paper about some aspect of the consumerism that exists in the United States. Assignments 10-12 will help you develop a sound argument with all of the needed aspects and requirements.

Milestone 5 Revise and Reflect

In this section of the studio you will reflect on the assignments you have completed throughout the ENGL 101 part 1 and ENGL 101 part 2 studios and complete a reflection of your work. The reflection will demonstrate what you have learned and provide evidence of your ability to show mastery of skills required in these studios. Assignments 13-16 will help you develop all of the steps needed to create your reflection.

Milestone 6 Reflection Presentation

In this section of the studio assignments 17-18 will help you develop the visual that accompanies the final presentation. The final presentation is the reflection assignment you created in Milestone 5, but converted into a visual and oral presentation. You will demonstrate your ability to present in the final Performance Task.